Mental Health

Decades of research has shown that practicing compassion for others and yourself can help relieve depression, heal trauma, and reduce anxiety and stress. It helps people to connect more with others, build resilience, and increases happiness and life satisfaction.


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Essential Reading

Books on compassion in mental health

Mindfulness-Based Compassionate Living – A new training programme to deepen mindfulness with heartfulness
My New Best Friend by Sara Marlowe (Author) and Ivette
Compassion-Based Practices for Secondary Traumatic Stress
Essentials of Compassion-Focused Therapy
A Practical Guide to Mindfulness-Based Compassionate Living – Living with Heart
Compassion focused therapy and the body: how physiological underpinnings of prosociality inform clinical practice

cover coming soon

It’s OK: Being Kind to Yourself When Things Feel Hard
Listening with My Heart: A story of kindness and self-compassion 
The Mindfulness-Based Emotional Balance Workbook: An Eight-Week Program for Improved Emotion Regulation and Resilience
Get Out of Your Mind and Into Your Life
The Mindful Self-Compassion Workbook: A Proven Way to Accept Yourself, Build Inner Strength, and Thrive
Handbook of Mindfulness-Based Programmes 
Mindfulness-Based Compassionate Living: Cultivating Relationality with ‘Heartful Mind’ and ‘Mindful Heart’

cover coming soon

Cuando las luZiernagas brillan
A Culture of Happiness


Videos about compassion in mental health

Further reading

Articles and pieces from across the web

People working on compassion in mental health from our founding supporters

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