How do we get the leaders we want?

with Paul Gilbert

Worldwide, democracy and political leadership is at a crossroads. Faced with rises like climate change, inequality, and war, some nations are turning towards autocratic, populist politicians who reach for easy and divisive answers to complex challenges. What we need is something very different. We need leaders who can govern for the whole of humanity, not just their nation or party, who have the courage and wisdom to tackle systemic problems, and the resilience to do so despite the opposition of vested interests. So, how do we cultivate that leadership? How do we sustain it in systems that are corrupting? And how do we work to ensure it's attractive to voters? Join us for this important discussion, in celebration of World Values Day!

Paul Gilbert


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Paul Gilbert, PhD, OBE is Professor of Clinical Psychology at the University of Derby. He was Consultant Clinical Psychologist at NHS for over 40 years. He is the founder of Compassion focused Therapy and Fellow of the British Psychological Society. He has written/edited 23 books and over 300 papers and book chapters. In 2006 he established the Compassionate Mind Foundation as an international charity with the mission statement: To promote wellbeing through the scientific understanding and application of compassion ( He was awarded an OBE by the Queen in March 2011 for services to mental health. He established and is the Director of the Centre for Compassion Research and Training at Derby University UK.

Other panelists will be announced in the coming weeks.

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