Jude Addo
JA Group & Co
Founder and CEO of JA Group & Co, an alternative investment firm with global interests in financial services, technology, real estate, and natural resources.

Abeer Al Saud
Abeer is a peace and sustainability professional with many years of experience in multilateral organizations. She is the founder and chair of The Sustainable Development Association (Talga), and the boutique advisory, Dinar.

Izzeldin Abuelaish
Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto
Dr. Abuelaish is a passionate proponent of peace between Palestinians and Israelis. His work interests include global public health, women’s health in countries in conflict, hatred as a contagious disease, and the impact of conflict on social indicators of health in the Middle East.

Saadiah Ali
International Healthcare Management
Saadiah is an International Healthcare expert with over 20 years of Operations Management, Marketing, Business Development and Strategic planning.

James Baraz
Awakening Joy
James has been a meditation teacher since 1978. He is creator and teacher of the Awakening Joy course (since 2003). He leads retreats, workshops and classes in U.S and abroad.

Christina Bethell
Johns Hopkins University, Child and Adolescent Health Measurement Initiative
Dr. Bethell is a Professor at Johns Hopkins University where she advances a new integrated Science of Thriving and Prioritizing Possibilities to lift family and community voices and translate of the science of relational health and attuned presence.

Bhante Buddharakkhita
Uganda Buddhist Centre
Founder and Abbot of the Uganda Buddhist Center in Uganda, Bhante is a Visiting Professor at Union Theological Seminary in New York, USA.

Vidyamala Burch
Prudence Margaret Burch OBE, known professionally as Vidyamala Burch, is a mindfulness teacher, writer, and co-founder of Breathworks, an international mindfulness organization known particularly for developing mindfulness-based pain management.

Imee Contreras
Mindfulness Asia
Founder of Mindfulness Asia and a co-founder of Philippine Insight Meditation Community. An affiliate teacher at UCLA’s Mindful Awareness Research Center and Cross-Cultural Mindfulness Teacher and Board Member of Braided Wisdom.

Margaret Cullen
Compassion Corps
Margaret Cullen is a licensed psychotherapist and was one of the first ten people to become a Certified Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) teacher.

Simon Cohen
Event host and keynote speaker
Simon is a peace activist, keynote speaker and communications specialist who purpose is to spread messages of hope.

Haifa Dia Al-Attia
Harvard University
Haifa Dia Al-Attia is an Advanced Leadership Initiative Senior Fellow and a firm believer in the power of education to transform lives, livelihoods and the world into a better place for all, providing opportunity and hope in all contexts.

Andrew Dreitcer
Claremont School of Theology
Professor of Spirituality in a Christian seminary that focuses on inter-religious, multi-cultural engagement.

Gaylon Ferguson
Naropa University
Gaylon is a faculty member in the religious studies and interdisciplinary studies departments at Naropa University in Boulder, Colorado.

Andrew Flather
Andrew is a multidisciplinary fundraiser with over a decade's experience in the education sector. He is based in Europe, and specialises in raising support at all levels from philanthropic individuals.

Anna Friis
Anna is a psychologist specialising in compassion-based therapy and a teacher of Mindful Self-Compassion.

Michael Gayner
Michael was the Executive Director of Drala Mountain Center from 2012 to 2023, and has been practising meditation since the mid-1980s. He has a Ph.D. in Education with a focus on holistic education, and the intersection of teaching and meditation.

Ananta Kumar Giri
Madras Institute of Development Studies; Vishwaneedam
Ananta Kumar Giri is a Professor at the Madras Institute of Development Studies, Chennai, India. He has been a Visiting Professor and Researcher at many universities in India and abroad.

Tony Fernando
Senior Lecturer in Psychological Medicine, University of Auckland from 2000 to 2020. PhD in Compassion in Medicine, University of Auckland. Author of several publications on compassion in medicine since 2014.

Liz Grant
University of Edinburgh
Liz is Professor of Global Health and Development and Director Global Health Academy at the University of Edinburgh

Hailan Guo
Hailan Family Well-being
Hailan is an ophthalmologist-turned-into-psychologist with 20 years experiences in medical sector and 23 years in mental health and well-being. In 2015, she founded Hailan Family Well-being.

Lori Gottlieb
Atlantic Magazine
Lori Gottlieb is a psychotherapist, New York Times bestselling author, TED Speaker, co-host of the popular “Dear Therapists” podcast, and “Dear Therapist” columnist for The Atlantic.

Thupten Jinpa
Compassion Institute
Thupten is a Tibetan Buddhist scholar, former monk and an academic of religious studies and both Eastern and Western philosophy.

Carson Kelly
Compassion 2.0 / Benevolently
Carson is an entrepreneur with 25 years of experience in technology startup management, enterprise software sales, and civi engagement.

Donna Kerridge
Ora New Zealand
Donna Kerridge (Ngāti Tahinga, Ngāti Mahuta) is the founder and director of Ora New Zealand and a rongoā Māori practitioner, trainer and advisor of 20+years.

Jack Kornfield
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
Author, Buddhist practitioner, Spirit Rock Meditation Center founding teacher, and one of the key teachers to introduce Buddhist mindfulness practice to the West.

Olga Klimecki
DZNE Dresden
Olga Klimecki, PhD, is a researcher and meditation teacher. Her research focuses on promoting the sustainable development goals.

Arlene MacDougall
Global Minds Collective
Arlene is an accomplished psychiatrist, researcher, educator and innovator who has successfully secured over 6 million dollars CAD in grants for health research and innovation over the last 6 years. As a visionary global health systems leader, she has led the development of transformative systems initiatives for mental health.

Julie Matthaei
Wellesley University
Marxist-feminist-anti-racist-ecological economist, specializing in women, gender, feminism, and work, and involved in research about and promotion of the emerging solidarity economy.

Myriam Mongrain
York University
Myriam is a clinical psychologist and Full Professor of Psychology at York University.

Deogratias Niyizonkiza
Village Health Works
Deogratias Niyizonkiza is a Burundian-born American who founded and leads the organization Village Health Works in Kigutu, Burundi.

Loyce Ong'udi
Loyce is Founder and Director of Mwanzo works to create sustainable rural communities in her home village in Rabuor and neighbors in Kenya.

Vasimalai Marimuthu Paramasivam
DHAN Foundation
Over years, DHAN has facilitated about 500 thousand families to come out of poverty thru a self-declaration process.

Leah Penniman
Soul Fire Farm
Leah is Co-Founder of Soul Fire Farm and the author of Farming While Black and Black Earth Wisdom. Farmer, soil nerd, mother, and Earth devotee.

Lakiba Pittman
Menlo College
Lakiba is a Senior Adjunct Professor at Menlo College and Notre Dame de Namur University.

Sharon Salzberg
Insight Meditation Society
Sharon is a central figure in the field of meditation, a world-renowned teacher and NY Times bestselling author.

Judith Simmer-Brown
Naropa University
Judith is a Distinguished Professor of Contemplative and Religious Studies Emerita at Naropa University.

Jeff Snipes
Founder & Chairman of Millennium.org, a non-profit lab school and teaching institute advancing human well-being through greater awareness, compassion, wisdom and purpose.

Lauren Sunshine
Gender Healed World
Lauren Sunshine is a digital strategist, heart-centered entrepreneur, and advocate in the gender-healing space.

Ha Tran
Authentic Live and Learn (Vietnam)
Ha Tran is Director of Authentic Live and Learn and a self-compassion trainer.

Katherine Trebeck
Edinburgh Futures Institute
Katherine is a political economist, writer and advocate for economic system change. She co-founded the Wellbeing Economy Alliance and also WEAll Scotland, its Scottish hub.

Barbara Doeleman-van Veldhoven
BFC Compassionate Care & Mindful Medicine
Barbara is an expert in integrating and putting into practice the connection between healthcare, compassionate leadership, teamwork, science, mindfulness and spirituality.

Michael West
Lancaster University
Michael is Visiting Professor at the King’s Fund, Professor of Work and Organisational Psychology at Lancaster University, Visiting Professor at University College, Dublin, and Emeritus Professor at Aston University.

Christine Wamsler
Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies (LUCSUS)
Christine is Professor of Sustainability Science and Director of the Contemplative Sustainable Futures Programme.

Ruby Wax
Oxford Mindfulness Centre
Ruby is an American-British actress, comedian, writer, television personality, and mental health campaigner.