Our Founding Supporters The Global Compassion Coalition is grateful to have the support of these individuals who have already done so much to further the understanding and practice of compassion. All Countries ? Afghanistan Argentina Australia Bhutan Brazil Canada Chile China Colombia Denmark France Germany Ghana Greece Haiti Hong Kong India Israel Kenya Malawi Malaysia Mexico Morocco Nepal Netherlands New Zealand Nigeria Peru Poland Portugal Saudi Arabia Singapore South Africa South Korea Spain Sweden Thailand Trinidad and Tobago United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States Zambia All areas of work Ageing Animals Arts Commmunities Communities Early Years Economics Education Healthcare International Relations Law Men and Boys Mental Health Mindfulness Politics Refugees Religion Spirituality/Faith Sustainability and Climate Change Women and Girls Work Julian AbelDirector Compassionate Communities UKCompassionate Communities UK Izzeldin AbuelaishProfessorDalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto Shawn AchorHappiness researcher and author Ineda Pearl AdesanyaChaplain, Spiritual Leader,AuthorWillamette University Haifa Dia Al-AttiaAdvanced Leadership Initiative Senior FellowHarvard University Kawtar El AlaouiCEO & FounderConscious Togetherness, Inc. Maurizio AlbahariAssociate ProfessorDepartment of Anthropology and Keough School of Global Affairs, University of Notre Dame Noliwe AlexanderDharma TeacherSpirit Rock Meditation Center Robin AlexandraMedicine Woman Michael AmsterMedical Doctor / Awe Researcher / AuthorThe Power of Awe Dolly AnadkatLearning SpecialistTulane University School of Medicine Lene Rachel AndersenPresident and co-founderNordic Bildung Joi AndreoliAuthor, Marriage and Family Therapist Catherine AndreuCertified CCT Instructor Eva AngellDevelopment DirectorPachamama Alliance Michael ApplebyLawyer, legal educator, coach and consultant Brian ArchieIntegratorCreate a Healthier Niagara Falls Collaborative Olly Armstrongdirectorbreathe Ana Isabel Martinez ArranzCertified CCT Instructor Paul AtkinsCo-founder Prosocial WorldProsocial World Milly St AubynReflexologist Marleen ter AvestPsychologist, Mindfulness and Compassion Trainer and ResearcherRadboud University Medical Center, Note to Mind, and Mindfulness-Based Compassionate Living (MBCL) Marisol Martinez AvilaCertified CCT Instructor Adam AvinFounder/Mental Health Education Advocate, Speaker, AuthorWuf Shanti Children's Wellness Foundation Robin BanerjeeHead of School of PsychologyUniversity of Sussex Somen BanerjeeDirector of Public HealthLondon Borough of Tower Hamlets Jasmine Banksco-founder, Executive DirectorGeneration Common Good Martin BarberAssociate Fellow Pawan BarejaTrauma Resolution Practitioner Randy BarkerDirector of Health, Counseling & Well-BeingUniversity of Wisconsin-Superior Travis BarkerConsultantInnovate Vancouver Katherine BarkleyFoounderCORENTE Pedro Fernandez BarrioYoga and Mindfulness Instructor Jaskaran BasranManager, Research Coordinator & ProfessorCompassionate Mind Foundation UK, University of Derby Susan Bauer-WuPresidentMind & Life Institute Colin BeavanCoach/author/activist/Zen teacher Barbara BeckerAuthor, Human Rights Advocate, Interfaith Minister Diana Carolina BedoyaPatient Rep Judith BellFounderRewire Leadership Institute & Relationships That Work Natalie BellAssociate Executive Director ProgramsCenter for Mindful Self-Compassion Dionne BeltraoCCT InstructorCompassion Institute Maurizio BenazzoScience and nonduality Laura BerlandFounderCenter for Compassionate Leadership Angelica Milena Barros BernalUniversidad Tecnologìa de Pereira Christina BethellProfessorJohns Hopkins University, Child and Adolescent Health Measurement Initiative Adrian BethuneFounderTeachappy Sangeeta BhatiaPrincipal, Gargi College, New DelhiUniversity of Delhi, India Marianne BickettAuthor/Artist/GrandmotherWhatsNextForEarth on Instagram Michael Yellow BirdDean and ProfessorFaculty of Social Work, University of Manitoba Julie BjellandSensitive Empowerment Joan Bladesco-founder Living Room ConversationsLivingRoomConversations, MomsRising, MoveOn Francesca BlomfieldDirector Marie BloomfieldClinical PsychologistMindfulPath.com.au Karen BluthAcademic Mary Ann BoeCommunity Relations DirectorJourney Guide Project François BourgognonPsychiatristL'Institut de Cancérologie de Lorraine Kelly BoysMindfulness Consultant and TrainerFoundation for a Mindful Society Ashanti BranchFounder & Executive DirectorEver Forward - Siempre Adelante Fiona BrandonPsychotherapist, Contemplative Educator and WriterNalanda Institute for Contemplative Science Brandel France de BravoAuthor Judson BrewerAuthor and thought leader Erik van den BrinkCo-founderMBCL (Mindfulness-Based Compassionate Living) Jamie BristowPolicy & Advocacy LeadThe Inner Development Goals Harriet BroadfootResearcher and Teacher, Early Childhood EducationDurham University Tina BrysonAuthor/Speaker/Founder & CEO, LCSWThe Center for Connection Vidyamala BurchPresidentThe Breathworks Foundation Bobbi BussanExecutive DirectorBoundless Compassion Ciara ByrneCEOGreen Our Planet Rodney CampbellChief Vision OfficerMore In Common Sol CanoCertified CCT Instructor Marina CantacuzinoFounderThe Forgiveness Project Natalia Martin CanteroCertified CCT Instructor Christian CarowCo-FounderMindfulness Project Thailand María Antonieta Guzmán CasanuevaPsicóloga Equipo de humanización de los cuidados críticosClínica las Condes Sara CastroDeath DoulaLas Luziérnagas Maria Jesus De CastroCertified CCT Instructor Graciela Inés CataldoCCT Instructor Kate CavanaghProfessor of Clinical PsychologyUniversity of Sussex Kristina CavitFounderThe Kindness Institute Maria Teresa Bernal CeballosInstituto Nacional de Ciencias Médicas y Nutrición Salvador Zubirán Fleur ChambersFounderThe Happy Habit Doris ChangClinical Psychologist and Associate ProfessorNew York University Silver School of Social Work Dr. Robyn CharltonPsychiatristThe Mind Fitness Dr. Yi-Heng ChengSenior Consultant financial institutions in clean coal technology and hydrogen production Dawson ChurchCEO/Executive DirectorNational Institute for Integrative Healthcare Bruno CignaccoProfessor, researcher, author, consultantBruno Roque Cignacco Marsha ClarkRetired EducatorFrame of Mind Films James ClarkeHead of OutreachThe Renew Foundation Simon CohenKeynote Speaker and Broadcaster Paul CondonAssociate Professor of PsychologySouthern Oregon University, Sustainable Compassion Training Mauricio ConejoDirectorThe Institute for Cognitive Neuroscience Jarik ConradCEOHuman Like Me Nathan ConsedineProfessor of Health PsychologyUniversity of Auckland Mick CooperAuthor, Trainer, and ConsultantUniversity of Roehampton Joyce CordusMindfulness and compassion trainer and meditation facilitatorfreelance educator, mindfulness - and compassion trainer Ari CowanDirector-GeneralThe International Center for Compassionate Organizations Charlie CrimstonSocial Psychology AcademicAustralian National University Sam CrowellCouncil Member, Senior Researcher, and FacultyEarth Charter International Education Center, UN University for Peace Margaret CullenLicensed Marriage and Family Therapist and MBSR Teacher Ilene Wasserman, Ph. DFounder and PresidentICW Consulting Group LLC Karen DavisPresidentPresident, United Poultry Concerns Vivian DayrellPsychologist/Certified CCT Instructor Marcelo DemarzoAssociate ProfessorEscola Paulista de Medicina - Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Tracy Dennis-TiwaryFounderArcade Therapeutics Swati DesaiMentor/ Psychotherapist/ Influencer2meditate Colette DescentWellness and Compassion Workshop FacilitatorBowmanville Older Adult Association Ron DeStefanoPsychologistThe Human Species Jed DiamondFounder, VHS (Visionary, Healer, Scholar in residence) MenAlive.comMenAlive James DotyAdjunct Professor, Medicine - Primary Care and Population HealthStanford Medicine Ryan Drew Rachel DruckenmillerCEO + Keynote SpeakerUNMUTED Mollie West DuffyLeadership Developing and Coaching Liz DunningVP of Development and PartnershipsBrady Jane DuttonProfessor EmeritaUniversity of Michigan Beatriz Ogando D√≠azCertified CCT Instructor Ana Maria EcheverriData Scientist Bruce EckerCo-directorCoherence Psychology Institute William EdelglassWriterBarre Center for Buddhist Studies Emma EglintonAccount managerBlackpepper Duane ElginCo-DirectorChoosing Earth Koshin Paley EllisonPresident & Co-Guiding TeacherNew York Zen Center for Contemplative Care Seewan EngExecutive DirectorMindful Schools Elissa EpelHealth PsychologistThe University of California, San Francisco Tobias EschProfessor of Medicine, Neuroscientist, Happiness ResearcherMind-Body Medicine Research Council (MBMRC), Witten/Herdecke University Alejandra Fritis EstayEncargada Unidad Trast Alimentario Hospital Valdivia en Hospital Base Valdivia Juan Sarmentero EstradaCertified CCT Instructor Alejandro EvlampievCCT InstructorCompassion Institute Kevin EyresTeacher, Coach, Speaker, Helping people and organizations thriveHoffman Foundation, CMSC, YPO Neelama EyresDirector of Program DevelopmentCCARE Stanford University Susan FairchildAssociate DirectorInstitute for Meditation & Psychotherapy Norman FarbPsychology ProfessorUniversity of Toronto Mississauga Sean FargoFounderMindfulness Exercises Juliana FarrellProduct DevelopmentRogue Agency Yvonne FeeneyProject Manager for the Time for Dementia programmeBrighton and Sussex Medical School Estrella FernandezPsychologistMBCT SPAIN Tony FernandoPsychiatrist, Sleep SpecialistPractice 92 Laura FerrandizCCT InstructorCompassion Institute Francisco FerreiraAmartya Sen Professor of Inequality StudiesLondon School of Economics Andrea FischbachFull Professor of Social, Work, and Organizational PsychologyGerman Police University Jonathan Fisher, MD FACCOrganizational Well-Being and Reseiliency Leader, Cardiologist, AuthorMind Heart Now Nathan E FisherPhD CandidateUniversity of California, Santa Barbara; Cheetah House Mark FoleyPresidentJhamtse International Fabiana FondevilaTeacher, speaker, authorhttps://www.fabianafondevila.com/ John ForsythProfessor of PsychologyAssociation for Contextual Behavioral Science Diana FoshaAEDP Founder & Director of AEDP InstituteAEDP Institute Cameron Van FossenOwner and Principal at Deeber Impact Consulting and Executive Director of Gender SpectrumDeeper Impact Consulting Liz FosslienAuthor and expert on emotions at workHumu, Penguin Elaine FoxHead of School of PsychologyUniversity of Adelaide Dr. Marisa Franco Barbara FredricksonKenan Distinguished ProfessorUniversity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Paul FultonBoard memberInstitute for Meditation and Psychotherapy Mpho Tutu Van FurthPriest in ChargeAll Saints, Amsterdam Rusty GaillardExecutive CoachSilicon Valley Dreambuilders Andrew GainesInstigatorInspiring Transition Luis Miguel GallardoFounder and PresidentWorld Happiness Foundation Nuria Bustamante GallejonesMindfulness coach Angela Ortega GalvinCertified CCT Instructor Aditi GangulySenior PsychologistAnjali Mental Health Rights Organization Albert Garcia-RomeuAssistant Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral SciencesJohns Hopkins Center for Psychedelic and Consciousness Research Marina GattásCulture and Politics LeadWellbeing Economy Alliance Michael Gayner Benedicte GendronPROFESSOR OF UNIVERSITYLirdef- Universit¬é paul-val¬éry Montpellier 3 Jeff GenungManaging DirectorProSocial World Christopher GermerCo-founder, Center for MSCCenter for Mindful Self-Compassion Paul GilbertFounder & ProfessorCompassionate Mind Foundation UK, University of Derby John GilliesCo-Director, Global Compassion Initiative. Honorary Professor of General PracticeGlobal Compassion Initiative, Global Health Academy, Usher Institute, University of Edinburgh James GimianEDFoundation for a Mindful Society Derek GladwinAssistant Professor of Language & Literacy EducationUniversity of British Columbia Jack GlaserProfessorGoldman School of Public Policy, UC Berkeley Richard GoerlingFounderMindful Badge Initiative Elisha GoldsteinAuthor, Psychologist, EducatorThe Center for Mindful Living Trudy GoodmanFounding TeacherInsightLA Lori GottliebWriter and Psychotherapist Saskia GrafProject ManagerBuddha-Stiftung / Buddha Foundation David GreenCoordinatorUS Values Alliance & Wellbeing Economy Alliance Scott GreenbergExecutive DirectorLGBTQ Freedom Fund Peter GrossenbacherProfessorNaropa University Mingtong GuMaster TeacherThe Chi Center Michele GuieuEco-artist and Art EducatorMAHB (Millennium Alliance for Humanity and the Biosphere) Victor GutierrezFounderInstituto del BienSer Andres Gutierrez-CarmonaUniversidad de Antofagasta Belén Jiménez GómezThe Integrative Psychotheraphy Institute Catalina GomezCCT InstructorCompassion Institute Sharon HadleyChief Executive OfficerOxford Mindfulness Foundation David HamiltonAuthor and speaker Jane HamptonCo-Executive DirectorConnecticut Parent Advocacy Center, Inc. Monica L. HansonLecturerStanford University School of Medicine, Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education (CCARE) Nicola HarkerCompassionate Leadership CoachNicola Harker Coaching Timothy HarrisonAssociate DirectorEmory University Compassion Center Nicola HartFounderFlor De Madre Ltd Rona HartCourse leader, The Psychology of Kindness and Wellbeing at WorkSchool of Psychology, University of Sussex Sande HartSande Hart Noriko HarthManaging Director/MBSR & MSC instructorUC San Diego Center for Mindfulness Dr. Clemette HaskinsSenior FellowKentucky Council on Postsecondary Education Matt Hawkins Steven HayesFoundation Professor of PsychologyUniversity of Nevada, Reno Celeste HeadleeJournalist and authorCeleste Headlee Media Richard HeinbergSenior FellowPost Carbon Institute Cathy HellerSpiritual coach / podcasterThe Cathy Heller Podcast Dr. Diane Poole HellerPresident/ FounderTrauma Solutions Shumaila HemaniAdvocacy Burnout Coach, Certified Positive Neuroplasticity Teacher & Musician Susan HendersonExecutive DirectorDisability Rights Education & Defense Fund Yu Tse HengAssistant Professor of CommerceUniversity of Virginia McIntire School of Commerce Maria Belen Herrero Nan HerronPsychiatristSage Integrative Health Diana HillClinical Psychologist, Author of The Self-Compassion Daily Journal, Host of the Wise Effort podcastPrivate Practice Saed HillAssistant Director of Prevention and Masculine Engagement at CARENorthwestern University Susie HillsFounderTeamKind and KindFest Holly HineLine Producer/Film Exec.Frame of Mind Films Daniel HiresDirector Partnerships and CommunicationInner Development Goals Dominic HoeyPoet, Author and PlaywrightDominic Hoey Johnny HonEntrepreneur, Philanthropist, and FounderGlobal Group of Companies Meredith Hooke Dianne HorganCo-Founder and Program DirectorMindfulness and Health Institute Violeta Hoshi EspinozaPsychologist, MBSR and CCT Certified TeacherPontificia Universidad Católica del Peru Alex HowardFounderAlex Howard Group Ltd Reggie HubbardYoga & Meditation Teacher and FounderActive Peace Yoga Iraqi IhssanePresidentFoeja Kaleigh IsaacsFounding Executive DirectorThe Awake Network Dr. Emmanuel IvorgbaPresidentThe Emmanuel Ivorgba Foundation Anthony JackProfessor in Ethics, Director of Research at the Inamori International Center for Ethics and Excellence, Principal Investigator of Brain, Mind & Consciousness LaboratoryCase Western Reserve University Carolyn JacobsDean Emerita Smith College School for Social WorkSmith College Jeff JacobsSenior Director, Organizational EffectivenessCenter for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education, Inner MBA, Compassion 2.0, Institute for Organizational Science Mindfulness Gabriela JaegerCo-Founder & Programmes DirectorGlobal Changemakers Renee JainFounder and Chief StorytellerGoZen! and TeenToks Alvaro Jaramillo Cristina JardonExpert in Emotional Intelligence, Mindfulness and Compassion James W. JessoAuthor and Podcast HostAdventures Through The Mind Joseph Jocelyn Anya JohnsonHead of Discipline Associate ProfessorUniversity of Sydney Jean JohnsonPsychedelic coach & guide, yoga instructorPsychedelic Nest, Tam Integration, Sukha Yoga Kate Johnsondharma teacher, authorSpirit Rock Meditation Center Sue JohnsonClinical Psychologist and Author Bonnie O'Brien JonssonAuthorSelf--UCSF Osher Center for Integrative Medicine Patricia Kalfaian Jason KanovProfessorWestern Washington University, College of Business and Economics Ewura Adams KarimExecutive DirectorMaltiti Foundation Jeff KarpProfessorHarvard Medical School - Brigham and Women's Hospital Agnieszka KasejaCoach supervisorEMCC GLOBAL Michelle KeaneFounderContent Strategy Online Becca KearlExecutive DirectorLiving Room Conversations Lucia Kelley Donna KerridgeRongoā Māori practitioner, trainer and advisor & founder and director of Ora New Zealand Lisa KimAssociate Director, Programs and EngagementCHA Center for Mindfulness and Compassion James KirbyAssociate Professor in Clinical PsychologyThe University of Queensland Nate KlempAuthor & Founding Partner at Mindful MagazineMindful Magazine Olga Klimeckiresearcher and meditation teacherUniversity of Jena, Germany Theo KofflerFounderWell-Being Essentials Anna KolasinskaPsychologist, teacher MBSR, MBCL Frits KosterMindfulness, compassion and retreat teacher, author Elena KovalchukownerGente harmoniosa Ethan KrossSocial Area Chair; Professor of Psychology and Management/OrganizationsUniversity of Michigan Lindsey KugelExecutive DirectorSearch Inside Yourself Leadership Institute Eva KünnemannBiologistMVS Pharma GmbH Cliff LansleyResearch Director EIEmotions Intelligence Academy Jessica LarsenAssociate Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular EngineeringClemson University Chad Dion LassiterExecutive DirectorPennsylvania Human Relations Commission Yin Cheng LauAdvisorNA Becca LawtonOperations ManagerThe Kindness Institute Richard LayardProfessorLSE and Action for Happiness Cheryl LeahyExecutive DirectorAnimal Outlook Kristen LeeBehavioral Science Professor, Writer, ComedianNortheastern University Joung Chul LeeAssistant ProfessorKookmin University William Leeretired architectUSCPFA Thomas LegrandAuthor & Conscious Food Systems Alliance Lead Technical AdvisorUnited Nations Development Programme Foteini LekkaMBCT Teacher, Trainer and Supervisor, CBT Trainer and SupervisorAssociation of Cognitive Behavioural Studies Liliana LenguaProfessor, Child Clinical PsychologyUniversity of Washington Center for Child and Family Well-being Jeremy LentFounderDeep Transformation Network Susan LernerExecutive DirectorCommon Cause/NY Marc LesserSpeaker, Facilitator, Workshop Leader, and Executive CoachZBA Associates LLC Tamara LevittAuthor and Mindfulness InstructorCalm Bliss Beata LewisPsychiatristMind Body Seven Psychiatry PC Scarlett LewisFounder - Choose Love Movement Rachel LimCo-FounderLove, Bonito Crystal Lim-LangeFounderForest Wolf Debbie LingCompassion researcher and educatorMonash University Kaira Jewel LingoMindfulness Meditation Teacher, Author, and MentorOrder of Interbeing, Spirit Rock Meditation Center Art LintonCommunications SpecialistCenter for Contemplative Science and Compassion-Based Ethics at Emory University Laura Van Dernoot LipskyFounder and DirectorThe Trauma Stewardship Institute Andrea LivingstonAssociate Director of Engagement & PartnershipsInstitute of Noetic Sciences Paul LoebFounder & Authorguides.vote, Soul of a Citizen Joe LoizzoFounder and Academic DirectorNalanda Institute for Contemplative Science Diana Londono Emma LongBest-selling Author, Yale lecturer, and International Keynote SpeakerYale, Stanford Ana Maria Garcia Lopez Marisa Lopez-Patiño Angela LoriTeacher and researcherUniversity of Seville Jennifer LoudenBest-selling Author and Writing Coach Kathryn LovewellFounder, Creative Director, AuthorKind Mind Academy Nad Pating, MEd, LPTWellbeing and Mindfulness Advocate Caroline LucasMember of ParliamentGreen Party of England and Wales Phil LuptonCEOElm Education Chris LyonIntuitive Personal and Leadership Coach and a Relationship Author and Facilitator Sonja LyubomirskyDistinguished ProfessorUniversity of California, Riverside Arlene MacDougallPsychiatrist, Researcher, Educator and InnovatorThe Global Minds Collective David MacekDevelopment & Business StrategyInward Bound Mindfulness Helen MaffiniDirector of MindBE EducationMindBE Education Diana MaierFounding Partner and Co-OwnerMaier Law Group John MakranskyMeditation teacher and Buddhist Studies scholarSenior Academic Advisor, Centre for Buddhist Studies, Rangjung Yeshe Institute, Nepal. Associate Professor of Buddhism and Comparative Theology (retired), Boston College. Erika MalmFounder/PsychotherapistErika Malm Collective Amy ManningPrincipalClark County School District Mary MarcdanteCommunications DirectorCenter for Mindful Self-Compassion Yaffa MaritzCo-FounderThe Charter for compassion and Center of Families Well Being at UW Marta Markocka-PepolMindfulness TeacherWasza Uwa_no__ - Mindfulness & compassion Darlene MarkovichCo-founder and DirectorStep Forward Initiative Abigail MarshProfessor of Psychology, Neuroscience, and Cognitive ScienceGeorgetown University Jason MarshFounding Editor in Chief and Executive DirectorThe Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley Marcela MatosClinical Psychologist and Postdoctoral Research FellowUniversity of Coimbra Fleet MaullMaster Trainer, Author, Consultant, Executive CoachHeart Mind Institute and Prison Dharma Network Roddy McCalleyClimbing GuideSelf employed Susan McCuistionCreatordaiOne, LLC Makeda McKenzieFounder and Managing ConsultantCaribbean Mindfulness Institute Elisabeth Drance MDGeriatric Psychiatrist & Mindfulness Meditation TeacherLiz Drance Coaching Inc Caroline MehlCo-Founder & Executive DirectorConstructive Dialogue Institute Jessica MendozaCertified CCT Instructor Louise van der MerweManaging TrusteeThe Humane Education Trust Jon MetzlerSenior Director of Human PerformanceMagellan Federal John MilesAuthor and Podcast HostPassion Struck Katherine MilkmanJames G. Dinan ProfessorThe Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania & The Wharton-Penn Behavior Change for Good Initiative Joshua Fields MillburnFounderThe Minimalists Jess MillerPostdoctoral Research Associate and Principal InvestigatorUniversity of Cambridge and Police Care UK Fay MiltonCo-FounderMusic Declares Emergency Anahita MoghaddamCoach / International Speaker / Founder of Neural BeingsNeural Beings / Nalanda Institute of Contemplative Science NY, OHHDL Yousra MoghaniCoaching new mothers who suffer from PPD associated with childhood traumaDentist Tara MohrBestselling AuthorTara Mohr LLC Beth MonaghanFounder and CEOInkhouse Trish Monnett Luna Serna MonteroCertified CCT Instructor Ben MoorePublisherLion's Roar Foundation Pilar Morales Ignacio Morgado-BernalEmerit Professor of PsychobiologyUniversitat Autònoma de Barcelona Joelle MorganCommunications and MarketingThe Mindfulness Network Julia MossbridgeCo-Founder and Board Member, TILT: The Institute for Love and TImeTILT: The Institute for Love and Time Japhet MpamaDirectorKINGDOM IN CHIRIST ORGANIZATION Kanyanta MulombaFounder of lubuto( meaning light) support groupNdola community Colin MurphyCo-Founder and PresidentMindfulness and Health Institute Berta Fern√°ndez M√©ndez Jennifer NadelAuthor, Speaker, Political Strategist and Co-FounderCompassion in Politics Darcia NarvaezFounderEvolvedNest.org Elsa NassarCertified CCT Instructor Levy Farías NavarroProfessor (retired)Universidad Central de Venezuela Kristin NeffResearcher and authorCenter for Mindful Self-compassion Lobsang Tenzin NegiCo-founder and Executive DirectorThe Center for Contemplative Science and Compassion-Based Ethics at Emory University Enrique NicolaasCertified CCT Instructor Ioannis NikolaouProfessor of Organizational Behaviour & HRMAthens University of Economics & Business - Job Pairs Rose NiskerMindfulness ProducerCalm Wes NiskerAuthorSpirit Rock Meditation Center Deogratias NiyizonkizaFounder & CEOVillage Health Works Rolf NolascoProfessor of Spiritual Formation and Pastoral TheologyGarrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary Mary NovakExecutive DirectorNETWORK Farid NumaNeurociencia + Mindfulness + Emociones Christian NunesPresidentNational Organization for Women Alex NunnHead of Movement BuildingAction for Happiness Michael O'BrienAuthor Christine O'ConnellExecutive DirectorRileys Way Foundation Mary-Frances O'ConnorAssociate ProfessorUniversity of Arizona Olivia O'NeillAssociate Professor of ManagementGeorge Mason University Sean OakesTeacher & Dharma Institute ManagerSpirit Rock melli obrienco founder of mindfulness.commindfulness.com and melliobrien.com Michael OBrien Maria Cristina Burbano Ocaña Nadia OdjoDirector/FounderBRITE Initiative Incorporated Andrew OlendzkiProfessor, Director of Mindfulness StudiesLesley Univeristy, Cambridge, MA Rick OlesekExecutive Director / USAEnneagram Prison Project Susan OlesekFounderEnneagram Prison Project Elenice OliveiraCriminologist, Professor, Meditation and Mindfulness Instructor, and High Flow CoachMontclair State University Loyce Ong'udiFounder and Director of Mwanzo Ellen Van OostenProfessor, Organizational BehaviorCase Western Reserve University Douglas OtienoExecutive DirectorTINADA Youth Organization (TiYO) Christopher OveisAssociate Professor of ManagementUC San Diego Neil Pakenham-WalshCoordinator, Healthcare Information For AllHealthcare Information For All Jason Pandya-WoodDean of Arts and Social Sciences, Faculty of Social SciencesUniversity of Nottingham Malaysia Dennis ParkerExecutive DirectorNational Center for Law and Economic Justice Eve PearlmanCo-Founder & CEOSpaceship Media Cristina De Armas PedrazaCEOInspirandoT Carole PertofskyDirector Emerita; Health Promotion ServicesStanford University Nicola PetrocchiPsychology Professsor & CFT TherapistJohn Cabot University Rev. Tomeka Jacobs, Ph.DDirector of Admissions and Enrollment ServicesClaremont School of Theology Bruce Duncan Perry, M.D., Ph.D.The Neurosequential Network Deborah Rozman, Ph.D.President and Co-CEOHeartMath Inc. Gonzalo Brito Pons, Ph.D.Psychologist, FounderCultivar la Mente John Prendergast, Ph.D.Marriage and Family Therapist Barbara PiperOwnerBe Rooted Vita PiresExecutive DirectorPrison Mindfulness Institute Michael PirsonChaired ProfessorFordham University Alessandra PlesiMBSR Certified Teacher, Qualified Mindful Eating Instructor, Professional Mindfulness Counselor Susan PollakCo-founder for the Center for Mindfulness and CompassionHarvard Medical School Ricki PollycovePhysician & Deep EcologistCalifornia Institute of Integral Studies Dawn Courage PopatiaEducator/Coach/WriterIndependent Jelena PopovicMindfulness DirectorThe Peace Alliance Maria Fernanda PorcelliCertified CCT Instructor Stephen PorgesAdjunct Professor for Intelligent Systems EngineeringIndiana University Hernán Dario Carvajal Posada Julie PotikerAuthor, Certified Mindful Self Compassion TeacherUCSD Center for Mindfulness, Mindful Methods for Life, LLC John PowellProfessor of Law, African American Studies, and Ethnic StudiesOthering & Belonging Institute at UC Berkeley Jordan QuagliaCore Associate Professor, Research Director of CACENaropa University Fredric RabinowitzProfessor, Chair PsychologyUniversity of Redlands Silvio RaijCoaching, Liderazgo, Mindfulness Peggy RajskiFounder/Interim CEOThe Trevor Project Jon RamerFounderCompassion Games: Survival of the Kindest Mamphela RampheleChair / Co Founder / Emeritus Co President / Chair / ChairTutu IP Trust / ReimagineSA / Club of Rome / Global Compassion Coalition / High Level Group Rosemary RawcliffeFounder & Producer/DirectorFrame of Mind Films Mariella Razeto Lisa ReaganFounderKindred World Terry RealAuthor and Family TherapistRelational Life Institute Lynne ReederAdjunct Research FellowFederation University, Australian Compassion Council, Charter for Compassion Beth ReelCo-Executive DirectorConnecticut Parent Advocacy Center Madeleine ReesSecretary Generalthe Womens International League for Peace and Freedom Jeremy ReissExecutive Vice President‚ÄìPartnerships and InnovationHenry Street Settlement Amy RennertLiterary AgentThe Amy Rennert Agency, Inc. Diane RenzNeuroscience practical applications facilitatorCenter for Healthy Habits Rhonda FreemanClinical Neuropsychologist, Founder of Neuroinstincts.comNeuroinstincts.com Amy RichardsCompassion Researcher, Public HealthTask Force for Global Health; Emory University Helen RichfieldMassage TherapistSelf employed Susan Harris RimmerDirector of the Policy Innovation HubGriffith University Kevin RiordanCounseling Psychology PhD candidateCenter for Healthy Minds, University of Wisconsin - Madison Leonard RiskinVisiting Professor & Distinguished FellowNorthwestern University Pritzker School of Law Miguel RiutortCertified CCT Instructor Paz Ortiz RiviereFacilitadora de Mindfulness Alberto RizzoPresidentFundaci¬ón Vivir Agradecidos Matias RodriguezCertified CCT Instructor Frank RogersProfessor of Spiritual FormationClaremont School of Theology & The Center for Engaged Compassion Beth Rosenthal Lilli Rosswriter, mindfulness teacher, classical singer, and movement practitioner Gretchen Rubinauthor, podcaster Silvia RubioCertified CCT Instructor Cynda RushtonAnne & George L. Bunting Professor of Clinical Ethics, Nursing, & PediatricsJohns Hopkins Univesity Christine RusselYouth Mentor & Facilitator (Pou-whiri)The Kindness Institute Gabriela Saldaña-ArgáezCertified CCT Instructor Juan Carlos Salinas Janet SalisburyFounder and DirectorWomen's Climate Congress Emma Sanchez Dee SandhuFounderCOVIDPEDIA LABS Zainal SanusiDirectorSejahtera Centre for Sustainability and Humanity Clifford SaronResearch ScientistCenter for Mind and Brain UC Davis Natalia SarroPsychologist. CCT Instructor (Stanford University). Compassionate Leadership & Workplace Wellbeing Specialist.www.nataliasarro.com Abeer Al SaudFounder and Chair of The Sustainable Development Association (Talga) & Dinar K ScarryDirector of PartnershipsThe Dinner Party/The People's Supper Rhoda SchulingSenior researcher / MBI teacher & educatorMBCL Lori SchwanbeckFounderLori Schwanbeck Richard SchwartzFounderInternal Family Systems Institute Dr. Frances ScullyFounder BeCompassionateNl.incBeCompassionateNl.inc Zindel SegalDistinguished Professor of Psychology in Mood DisordersUniversity of Toronto Scarborough Jennifer SeniukOwner, Art TherapistBelly Eye Art Therapy Inc. Irina Lazo Sennitzky Dr. Samineh ShaheemManaging Consultant - Leadership Development ProgrammesShape Talent Daniel Shapiro Shauna ShapiroProfessorSanta Clara University Sam ShapiroHead of SchoolMarin Montessori School Kai ShappleyActivistKai Shappley, Inc Asi SharabiCEOWonderbly Nick ShereikisDirector, FounderPolitical Empathy Project Spencer ShermanFounder and CEOSpencer Sherman Financial Katie ShillingtonPhD CandidateWestern University Dan SiegelPresidentMindsight Institute David SiegelCEOMeetup Ronald SiegelAssistant Professor of Psychology, part time, Harvard Medical SchoolCenter for Mindfulness and Compassion, Cambridge Health Alliance, Harvard Medical School Daria SieversClinical and Forensic Social WorkerDaria Sievers, MSW, LCSW Ruchika SikriGeneral PartnerWisdom Ventures (previously: Head of Well-being and Mindfulness Learning at Google) Luis Simarro V√°zquezCertified CCT InstructorEOEP Puente de VALLECAS Judith Simmer-BrownProfessor EmeritaNaropa University Aishah Shahidah SimmonsMindfulness Meditation Teacher & Cultural WorkerLove WITH accountability Dr. Ace SimpsonProfessorBrunel University London Rev. Dr. Ronn√© Wingate SimsOrdained Baptist Minister, Speaker and Meditation TeacherUniversity of San Francisco Kristian Simsarian Shane SinclairProfessor & DirectorCompassion Research Lab, University of Calgary Tania SingerScientific Head of the Social Neuroscience Lab of the Max Planck SocietyMax Planck Society, Germany Daniel SingleyPsychologistThe Center for Men's Excellence Mark SkeldingpsychotherapistMadrona Clinic/Self and World/AAP Garrett Te SlaaLaw Enforcement VeteranThe Squad Room Jimi SlatteryExecutive DirectorThe Dalai Lama Centre for Compassion Marla SlavnerProducerGlobal Sunrise Productions Inc. Ali SmithCo-Founder/Executive DirectorHolistic Life Foundation, Inc. Atman SmithYouth Mindfulness leaderHolistic Life Foundation Ronn SmithWriter and Artist Stephen SnyderZen Buddhist and Theravada Buddhist teacher and authorAwakening Dharma Andrew SorenCEOEudaimonic by Design Signe SorensenCoach and Applied Compassion FacilitatorSigne Jung Coaching & Consulting Katy May SpencerFounderCoba Ventures Rabbi Chasya Uriel SteinbauerFounder & DirectorInstitute for Holiness: Kehilat Mussar Mindfulness Stan SteindlClinical Psychologist & Professor David Steindl-RastBenedictine Monkwww.grateful.org Suzie SternAuthor of The Home Within YouThe Home Within You Marian StuartEmeritus Professor of Family and Community MedicineRutgers University Charlene SunkelFounder/CEOGlobal Mental Health Peer Network Lauren SunshineDigital Strategist, Heart-Centered Entrepreneur & Gender AdvocateGender Healed World Yifat SusskindExecutive DirectorMADRE Holly SweetPsychologistPsychology of Men and Masculinities division of the American Psychological Association Andy SwindlerCo-founder & Chief Empathy OfficerFeelReal Lene SøvoldClinical Psychologist, Mental Health Advisor, Independent Researcher Michael TaftMeditation Teacher, Bestselling Author, and PodcasterMichael Taft Laura TalmusCo-founder and Executive DirectorBeyond Differences Chade-Meng TanWriter Mary TarshaUniversity of Notre Dame Diane TateManaging DirectorThe Peace Alliance Jamie Lynn TateraFounder, Teacher, and Teacher TrainerSelf-Compassion for Children and Caregivers Stan TatkinClinician, Researcher & TeacherPACT Institute Debra Chamberlin TaylorMeditation teacher and therapistSpirit Rock Meditation Center George TaylorMarriage & Family TherapistA Path for Couples Dr. Sherri TaylorSpeaker, Consultant, and Facilitatorsoulstudiolab Zachary TaylorDirectorPsychotherapy Networker & PESI Kyle ThiermannJournalist, Podcast Host and Filmmaker Chris ThomasHead of the Commission on Health and ProsperityIPPR Anam ThubtenFounder and Spiritual AdvisorDharmata Foundation Robert A F ThurmanWriterTibet House US, Robin TicicPsychologist, Therapist, Author and Director of Development and Training Coherence Psychology InstituteCoherence Pyschology Institute Ana Maria Estrada TobonDirectorConfluye Justine TomsFounding Director & HostNew Dimensions Radio Amber ToutPostdoctoral Researcher and Founder of Sleep PositiveUniversity of Sussex Cathy TowleChair EmeritusNGO Committee on Spirituality, Values, and Global Concerns Rosemerry TrommerPoet Linda TroppProfessor of Social Psychology; Director, Psychology of Peace and Violence ProgramUniversity of Massachusetts Amherst Marilyn TurkovichDirectorCharter for Compassion Chris TurnerCo-founderCivility Saves Lives Dr. Chris UgwuExecutive DirectorSociety for the Improvement of Rural People Manuela Uria Malva UribeScience Teacher and CCT Instructor M. Del Carmen Lopez Vazquez Samantha VeitchYouth MentorThe Kindness Institute Barbara Doeleman-van VeldhovenFounder & DirectorBFC Compassionate Care & Mindful Medicine Fairouz Elhammar VergnesMedical Doctor Maryvonne VerkerkeDirectorGentleminds, Instituut voor Compassie Patxi del Campo San VicenteDirectorInstituto M√∫sica Arte y Proceso de Vitoria Cassandra VietenClinical Professor, Family Medicine and Public HealthCenter for Mindfulness, University of California, San Diego Manuel VillarrealDirectorCentre of Mindfulness University Albert Einstein Mexico Tho Ha VinhProgram DirectorGross National Happiness Centre Bhutan Cindy VuuCEOBiti√ïs Carlos Herradón Vírseda Jason WachobFounder and Co-CEOmindbodygreen.com Helan√© WahbehDirector of ResearchInstitute of Noetic Sciences Sarah Walker-SmithCEOAmpa/Shakespeare Martineau LLP Roger WalshProfessor of psychiatry, philosophy, and anthropologyUniversity of California Christine WamslerProfessorLund University / Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies (LUCSUS) Joyce WanderiKenya Chapter LeaderThe TEARS Foundation Spring WashamTeacher, Healer, and Visionary LeaderSpirit Rock Meditation Center and East Bay Meditation Center Christian WaughProfessor of PsychologyWake Forest University Corina Van WaverenCo-FounderHumanity Web Jochen WeberManaging DirectorBuddha-Stiftung / Buddha Foundation Zane WeddingYouth Development ManagerThe Kindness Institute Zoe WeilCo-founder and PresidentInstitute for Humane Education Claudia WelssIONS Board Chairman and Interim CEOInstitute of Noetic Sciences Michael WestProfessorLancaster University Magdalena Whoolery Mahendra WijayasingheBuddhist Publisherhome Risa WilkersonExecutive DirectorHealthy Places by Design Matti WilksLecturerUniversity of Edinburgh Christopher WillardLecturer at Harvard Medical SchoolFounder Enlightened Livelihoods Mark WilliamsProfessor of Clinical PsychologyUniversity of Oxford Marianne WilliamsonAuthor and Speaker Jana WillmsPsychologist, MBSR Teacher, Teacher Trainer MBCL (Mindfulness-Based Compassionate Living), Supervisor & Author Diana WinstonAuthor, Speaker, & Director of Mindfulness EducationUCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center Monika WitkowskaWellbeing ConsultantEAMBA Sandrine WoitrinCo-Lead of The Wellbeing ProjectThe Wellbeing Project Tricia WolaninCommunity Wellness Consultant/Clinical Psychologist Ahria WolfMarriage & Family TherapistMM Charles WolfeCEOCharles J. Wolfe Associates, LLC Agnes WongStaff Ophthalmologist, Department of Ophthalmology and Vision SciencesThe Hospital for Sick Children and University of Toronto Dr. Wendy WoodProgramme Leader & Training AdvisorCompassionate Mind Foundation Robertson WorkSocial and ecological activist and nonfiction authorCompassionate Civilization Collaborative (C3) Dana YarbroughAssistant Director of Strategic Initiatives for the Partnership for People with DisabilitiesPartnership for People with Disabilities @ VCU Hirofumi YokoiJapanese Coach, Speaker, Writer, and Thinker about Learning Leadership / Doctoral CandidateThe University of Pennsylvania Aizaiah YongAssistant Professor of Spirituality, AuthorClaremont School of Theology Monica Janneth Lopez ZapataDirectora Gestion de Riesgos y CumplimientoPOSTOBON S.A. Rachel ZargoCo-FounderFeelReal Eric ZimmerPodcast Creator and Host, Behavior CoachThe One You Feed, LLC Paquita de ZuluetaCompassion ActivistImperial College and Human Values in Healthcare Forum