Aishah Shahidah Simmons

Mindfulness Meditation Teacher & Cultural Worker

Love WITH accountability


Aishah Shahidah Simmons is a survivor-healer, Buddhist practitioner, Mindfulness meditation teacher, and award-winning filmmaker and author. Her groundbreaking 2006 film, NO! The Rape Documentary and her 2020 Lambda Literary Award-winning anthology, Love WITH Accountability, break silences about trauma, offer healing paths for survivors, and provide distinct visions for compassionately disrupting the inhumane epidemics of childhood and adult sexual violence.

Why I support the Compassion Coalition

I enthusiastically joined the GCC because we need compassion for ourselves and all living beings everywhere without exception, including our shared home planet Earth. Compassion and humane accountability are imperative for our survival, collective healing and well-being.

Aishah Shahidah's Books

love WITH accountability: Digging Up the Roots of Child Sexual Abuse

Aishah Shahidah's Videos

Aishah Shahidah's Articles

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