Andrea Fischbach
Full Professor of Social, Work, and Organizational Psychology
German Police University
Andrea Fischbach is Full Professor of Social, Work, and Organizational Psychology at the German Police University, Münster. Her research focuses on the dynamics of work conditions, leadership, and HR management to help understand what makes people engaged, motivated, and healthy at work.
Why I support the Compassion Coalition
I am doing research on compassion work. Compassion work is work where compassion is part of the work role. We found that compassion – if lived out in the work role – is a source of workers’ health, well-being, engagement, and work meaningfulness. It looks like there is no “too much compassion”. What would a world look like where nurses, child care workers, doctors, priests, teachers, police officers, to name a few, are doing not all this excellent compassion work every day? What can we do to support these professions in their work role accomplishments? This is research, worth doing it.