Bobbi Bussan

Executive Director

Boundless Compassion


I became acquainted with Sr. Joyce Rupp and her work on Boundless Compassion when I became Director of Benet House Retreat Center, Rock Island, IL. Joyce invited me to become a BC Facilitator in 2018. After training, she invited me to be on a new leadership team of 9 to assist her in the vision for Boundless Compassion. Joyce moved toward retiring from doing BC events/retreats. She asked me to take leadership. I was co-Director for a year and BC became a 501(C)3 non-for-profit. In January 2023 I was asked by the leadership team to become Executive Director. As Director of Boundless Compassion, NFP, I lead the organization, comprised of 110 trained facilitators, to teach and provide programs (retreats, workshops, presentations) on compassion.

Why I support the Compassion Coalition

BC appreciates Frank Rogers and his work. Dale Scuggs is our upcoming KInship keynote speaker. BC was asked to have a member on the compassion panel and Mary Dean Pfahler was asked to do this. Through Mary Dean, BC was asked to consider becoming a partner. We are thrilled to be associated with GCC.

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