Colette Descent

Wellness and Compassion Workshop Facilitator

Bowmanville Older Adult Association


My primary work was as medical technologist and clinical educator in Health Care. I worked and taught in the clinical setting, and later on, at the college level until my retirement in 2020. My current "work" involves volunteer activities with a variety of organization, both local and global. My current and main project at this time is facilitating the mindfulness and meditation workshops that I have created last year for my community; though geared mainly at senior citizens, it is my hope to scale it to a wider audience.

Why I support the Compassion Coalition

I believe that the only way to de-escalate the current climate of division, fear and anger currently overwhelming this world is through compassion at all levels. Solutions for all societal problems will work best when based in compassionate care and action. I truly believe that compassion can be encouraged and developed through education, collaborative parenting, supportive societal engagement and community connectivity.

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