Crystal Lim-Lange


Forest Wolf


Crystal is an expert in human capital and the CEO of leadership consultancy Forest Wolf. She has collaborated with leading companies, universities and and governments to pioneer mindful leadership programmes, helping more than 45,000 people learn “Deep Human” skills. Crystal writes for Channel NewsAsia regularly and has a strong social media presence with 120,000+ followers. She has been recognised by Linkedin several times, as a LinkedIn Top Voice as well as one of Singapore’s top mental health advocates. Her book “Deep Human”, co-authored with Dr. Greg Lim-Lange, is a national bestseller.

Why I support the Compassion Coalition

I believe that the rise Artificial Intelligence will lead to a revolution in how we live and work. The future will probably be more complex than we can imagine, and it requires us to come together to reimagine how we can live and work in a more compassionate, ethical and conscious way.

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