Jana Willms
Psychologist, MBSR Teacher, Teacher Trainer MBCL (Mindfulness-Based Compassionate Living), Supervisor & Author
Jana Willms is a german Psychologist, certified MBSR, MBCT and MBCL Senior Teacher, Mindfulness-Based Supervisor and Teacher Trainer for MBCL (Mindfulness-Based Compassionate Living) - an internationally acknowledged ´full dose follow-up´ Mindfulness-Based Programme (MBP). She is co-author of the german MBCL Workbook "Mitgefühl üben. Das große MBCL Praxisbuch" (engl. Practicing Compassion. The grand MBCL practice book.) and has taught MBSR and MBCL for more than a decade in various formats, contexts and organisations. She now is particularly interested in widening the frame of her teachings beyond the personal and include the social and ecological level as well.
Why I support the Compassion Coalition
I support the GCC because I deeply trust in the power of compassion when it comes to meeting our personal as well as social and environmental challenges and contribute to a better future for all beings.