Jeff Jacobs

Senior Director, Organizational Effectiveness

Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education, Inner MBA, Compassion 2.0, Institute for Organizational Science Mindfulness


My 30+ year career in HR spans numerous global leadership roles, most recently as an Executive Coach and Facilitator for Adobe. I am on the Boards of the non-profits Project HIRED and Community Solutions, am a student of compassion and mindfulness, and participate in retreat, music, and prison ministry at Salinas Valley State Prison. I am writing my first book, "Still Coming of Age," in which I shares personal stories making the case for a lifetime commitment to learning and self-compassion.

Why I support the Compassion Coalition

I have joined GCC because I see authenticity & vulnerability, and compassion & mindfulness as the keys to success and happiness (which I actually see as the same thing!). And I will try to expand my knowledge and community on the topics whenever I can.

Jeff's Articles

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