Judith Simmer-Brown

Professor Emerita

Naropa University


I'm a practitioner-scholar who has witnessed the power of compassion in my classrooms, in my university, and in the trainings that I co-lead. As a longtime Buddhist practitioner, compassion has been a foundation for my own life for some time, but extending compassion meditation and activism into the world has given me renewed meaning in retirement. For me, the primary areas of focus are in interreligious dialogue, peacework, and compassion training programs, because while compassion is inherent in our human nature, it can be honed and trained through practice.

Why I support the Compassion Coalition

In a world full of division and alienation, it's important that we reach more deeply into our common humanity and find ways to be of benefit to the world. We cannot do this alone, and our connections deepen when we ally with others for the common cause of highlighting compassion. The beauty of compassion is that it awakens our own humanity more deeply even as it softens the boundaries between us. It's a joy to be in this Coalition of like-minded and diverse people from around the globe!

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