Mahendra Wijayasinghe
Buddhist Publisher
Mahendra Wijayasinghe, retired, is the publisher of the late Venerable Mahathera Madawela PunnajiÕs books under the ÒBuddhism DemystifiedÓ banner. Mahendra received his B.Sc. from the University of Sri Lanka and his Ph.D. from the University of California, Davis. Bhante Punnaji was MahendraÕs teacher, mentor, and close friend for over 30 years. Mahendra has been the chief editor of his teacherÕs books since 2000. After Bhante passed away in 2018, Mahendra made his mission to preserve and share with the world Bhante PunnajiÕs teachings on original Buddhism through book publishing and a new website: https://www.buddhismdemystified.org/
Why I support the Compassion Coalition
The vision of the Global Compassion Coalition (GCC) jives with my loving kindness (metta) practice, which starts with self-compassion and broadens to include all beings without exception. In addition to the various ways I already help those in need in the community, by joining the GCC and supporting its activities to the extent I can, I believe I can expand my contribution to a better world.