Marie Bloomfield

Clinical Psychologist


Marie Bloomfield - Australia Clinical Psychologist and Mindful Self-Compassion Teacher. B.Sc(Psych.), M.Clin. Psych(UNSW), MAPS(Coll.Clin.Psych.) Marie Bloomfield is a leader in teaching Mindfulness and Self-Compassion in Australia. She is a warm, experienced and engaging clinical psychologist and accredited Mindful Self-Compassion teacher. In addition to providing many workshops every year for health professionals, Marie has a successful private practice as a registered Clinical Psychologist and Medicare provider. For more information on her current or future workshops send an email to

Why I support the Compassion Coalition

I wish to join with Global Compassion Coaliation and others who aim to provide resources worldwide to alleviate the suffering and to promote compassion to enable all to flourish.

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