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's Books

The Home Within You – an introduction
A Case for Compassion
The Compassionate Mind
The Cure for Money Madness
Animal Liberation Now
Hold Me Tight
Caring economics: Conversations on altruism and compassion, between scientists, economists, and the Dalai Lama
Self-Compassion for Educators
The Good Father: On Men, Masculinity, and Life in the Family
Compassion focused therapy: Distinctive features
SNAP! From Chaos to Calm
Compassion focused therapy and the body: how physiological underpinnings of prosociality inform clinical practice

cover coming soon

What is Bildung?
The Empowered Highly Sensitive Person
Open: Living with an Expansive Mind in a Distracted World
Life Falls Apart But You Don’t Have To: mindful methods for staying calm in the midst of chaos
A Rational Approach to Animal Rights: Extensions in Abolitionist Theory 
Untangled: Walking the Eightfold Path to Clarity, Courage and Compassion
Indigenous Sustainable Wisdom: First Nation Know-How for Global Flourishing
Toxic Emotions at Work: How Compassionate Managers Handle Pain and Conflict
The Happiness Project
It’s OK: Being Kind to Yourself When Things Feel Hard
The Fear Factor: How One Emotion Connects Altruists, Psychopaths, and Everyone In-Between
Multiracial Cosmotheandrism: A Practical Theology of Multiracial Experiences
Listening with My Heart: A story of kindness and self-compassion 
Survival at Stake : How Our Treatment of Animals Is Key to Human Existence
Love Sense
Shift: Creating Better Tomorrows
Política, emociones y espiritualidad: Emancipar la consciencia, tejer redes comunitarias y transformar nuestros mundos
Fierce Self-Compassion: How Women Can Harness Kindness to Speak Up, Claim Their Power, and Thrive
Free To Be Me: A Journey of Transformation through Generational Healing
The Mindful Self-Compassion Workbook: A Proven Way to Accept Yourself, Build Inner Strength, and Thrive
Deep Secrets: Boys’ Friendships and the Crisis of Connection
When Sadness is at Your Door
Handbook of Self-Compassion
Soul of a Citizen: Living with Conviction in Challenging Times
Start Here: Master the Lifelong Habit of Wellbeing
How to Talk so Little Kids Will Listen
Negotiating the Nonnegotiable: How to Resolve Your Most Emotionally Charged Conflicts
Unwinding Anxiety
love WITH accountability: Digging Up the Roots of Child Sexual Abuse
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Anxiety Disorders: A Practitioner’s Treatment Guide to Using Mindfulness, Acceptance, and Values-Based Behavior Change Strategies
Better Boys, Better Men: The New Masculinity That Creates Greater Courage and Emotional Resiliency
Do Nothing
The Mask of Masculinity: How Men Can Embrace Vulnerability, Create Strong Relationships, and Live Their Fullest Lives
The Art of Compassionate Business
The Nordic Secret
Restoring the Kinship Worldview: Indigenous Voices Introduce 28 Precepts for Rebalancing Life on Planet Earth
The Collected Wisdom of Fathers
Unfolding Peace, 9 leadership principles to create cultures of well-being, belonging and peace
The Animal Manifesto: Six Reasons for Expanding Our Compassion Footprint
Deep Human – Practical Superskills for the future
Fair Play
A Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Workbook
The myths of happiness: What should make you happy, but doesn’t, what shouldn’t make you happy, but does.
THE CRITICAL DECADE 2020 – 2029: Calls for Ecological Compassionate Leadership
“Just One Heart”, for release early 2024
The Home Within You READING Book
Rewire Your Mind: Discover the science and practice of mindfulness
Edgar and Elouise
Essentials of Compassion-Focused Therapy
The Home Within You TEACHING Book

cover coming soon

Your Liminal Odyssey, A Practical Guide Into Alchemizing The Spaces In-Between
Self-compassion: The proven power of being kind to yourself
A Practical Guide to Mindfulness-Based Compassionate Living – Living with Heart
A Primer for Emotionally Focused Individual Therapy
Parental Mental Health: Factoring in Fathers
Prosocial: Using Evolutionary Science to Build Productive, Equitable, and Collaborative Groups
I Don’t Want to Talk about It: Overcoming the Secret Legacy of Male Depression
Mother Nurture: A Mother’s Guide to Health in Body, Mind, and Intimate Relationships
Apa Handbook of men and masculinities
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: Principles of Becoming More Flexible, Effective, and Fulfilled
Compassionomics: The Revolutionary Scientific Evidence That Caring Makes a Difference
When Partners Become Parents: The Big Life Change for Couples
New Theory and Practice of Diplomacy
Teaching the Mindful Self-Compassion program: A guide for professionals. New York: Guilford Press

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Are we done fighting?: Building Understanding in a World of Hate and Division
Beyond Reason: Using Emotions as You Negotiate
The Liminal Odyssey, The Alchemical Power of The Spaces In-Between
Outer Order, Inner Calm
The Craving Mind
The how of happiness: A scientific approach to getting the life you want.
Mindfulness-Based Compassionate Living – A new training programme to deepen mindfulness with heartfulness
The Will to Change: Men, Masculinity, and Love
Uncovering Happiness: Overcoming
Self-Compassion for Parents: Nurture Your Child by Caring for Yourself
Life in Five Senses
Get Out of Your Mind and Into Your Life
The Science of Channeling: Why You Should Trust Your Intuition and Embrace the Force That Connects Us All
The Mindfulness and Acceptance Workbook for Anxiety
The Postnatal Depletion Cure: A Complete Guide to Rebuilding Your Health & Reclaiming Your Energy
Of Boys and Men
The 80/80 Marriage: A New Model for a Happier, Stronger Relationship
A Plea for the Animals: The Moral, Philosophical, and Evolutionary Imperative to Treat All Beings with Compassion
A Liberated Mind
Creativity Games
The Evolved Nest: Nature’s Way of Raising Children and Creating Connected Communities
Inner Work
How Compassion can Transform our Politics, Economy, and Society
Compassionate Leadership: Sustaining Wisdom, Humanity and Presence in Health and Social Care
SOCIETY, SPIRIT & SELF: Essays on the One Dance
The Palgrave Handbook of Male Psychology and Mental Health
Reinventing Masculinity
Mindfulness-Based Compassionate Living: Cultivating Relationality with ‘Heartful Mind’ and ‘Mindful Heart’

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The Home Within You SIDE BY SIDE Book for Parent/Guardian and Child

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Mommy Burnout
The Home Within You ACTIVITY Book

cover coming soon

A Compassionate Civilization: The Urgency of Sustainable Development and Mindful Activism – Reflections and Recommendations
Breaking barriers in counseling men: Insights and innovations
The Fifteen Minute Hour
Earthling Love: Living Poems 1965 – 2020
It’s OK: Being Kind to Yourself When Things Feel Hard
Search Inside Yourself: The Unexpected Path to Achieving Success, Happiness (and World Peace)
The Whole-Brain Child: 12 Revolutionary Strategies to Nurture Your Child’s Developing Mind
How to Use Neuroscience to Accelerate Recovery: Caring for the brain after relational abuse
Bildung: Keep Growing
The Anxiety Happens Guided Journal: Write Your Way to Peace of Mind
Politics of Being
Le Bonheur National Brut
MBSR Everyday
Attachment Theory in Practice
Dying to be men: Psychosocial, environmental, and Biobehavioral Directions in promoting the health of men and boys
A Culture of Happiness
A practical guide to Mindfulness-Based Compassionate Living: Living with Heart
Mindful Compassion
Choose Compassion: Why it matters and how it works
Reaching Boys, Teaching Boys: Strategies that Work and Why
Mindful Discipline: A Loving Approach to Setting Limits and Raising an Emotionally Intelligent Child
Why Vegan?: Eating Ethically
Born for Love
Evolution, Early Experience and Human Development
Handbook of Mindfulness-Based Programmes 
How To Change – The Science of Getting to Where You Are To Where You Want To Be
Good Morning, I Love You: Mindfulness and Self-Compassion Practices to Rewire Your Brain for Calm, Clarity, and Joy
Mindfulness Meditations for the Anxious Traveler
We Need to Talk
The Mindfulness-Based Emotional Balance Workbook: An Eight-Week Program for Improved Emotion Regulation and Resilience
Boys don’t try? Rethinking masculinity in schools
Mindful Communication – Speaking and Listening with Wisdom and Compassion
Animals Matter: A Biologist Explains Why We Should Treat Animals with Compassion and Respect
Grundrecht auf Glück 
Speaking of Race
Compassion: Bridging Practice and Science
Der Glücksstandard
Compassion-Based Practices for Secondary Traumatic Stress
Libertism: Grasping the 21st Century
ACT on Life Not on Anger: The New Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Guide to Problem Anger
The Case for the Legal Protection of Animals: Humanity’s Shared Destiny with the Animal Kingdom
Platonic: How the Science of Attachment Can Help You Make–and Keep–Friends
The Lucifer Effect: How good people turn evil
Joy on Demand: The Art of Discovering the Happiness Within
Awake at the Bedside: Contemplative Teachings on Palliative and End of Life Care
The Masculinity Workbook for Teens: Discover What Being a Guy Means to You
The Four Tendencies
Neurobiology and the Development of Human Morality: Evolution, Culture and Wisdom
The Now Effect
Power and Care: Toward Balance for our common future – Science, society, and spirituality
The Mindful Self-Compassion workbook: A proven way to accept yourself, find inner strength, and thrive
The Animal Lover’s Guide to Changing the World: Practical Advice and Everyday Actions for a More Sustainable, Humane, and Compassionate Planet 
Anxiety Happens: 52 Ways to Find Peace of Mind
The Fragrance of Wanderlust: How to Capture the Essence of Travel in Our Everyday Lives
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (2nd ed.)
A Practical Guide to Mindfulness-Based Compassionate Living – Living with Heart
The Rabbit Listened
My New Best Friend by Sara Marlowe (Author) and Ivette
Better Than Before
Getting to the Truth
Mindfulness-Based Compassionate Living – A new training programme to deepen mindfulness with heartfulness
Wholehearted: Slow Down, Help Out, Wake Up
Serving People & Planet: In Mystery, Love and Gratitude
Cuando las luZiernagas brillan
Reinventing masculinity: The Liberating Power of Compassion And Connection

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