I wish I had learnt this at school…

Compassion for all ages

with Erik van den Brink

If we wish to pass on a story of hope and resilience, rather than one of despair and catastrophe, we need a simple, common language to meet the many challenges we face. A language that does not divide but brings together, that bridges different ages and cultures, acknowledging our common humanity, our individual and collective suffering, and our interconnectedness with all beings. This workshop aims to introduce some key themes from Compassion for all ages. A taste of practice will be offered to support ‘old’ and ‘new’ roads towards compassion.

Erik van den Brink

This event was held on Sunday, 25th August 2024.

Mindfulness-Based Compassionate Living (MBCL) was developed by Erik van den Brink and
Frits Koster, for those who have previously followed a foundational mindfulness course
(MBSR, MBCT or equivalent). MBCL is a science-based, recognised follow-on programme in
eight sessions to deepen the practice of compassion towards ourselves and others. Whilst
MBCL originated in the mental health setting, its scope proved much wider. Quite often
participants say about the course: I wish I had learnt this at school… 

Erik’s motivation to offer this workshop:
“While retiring from my clinical work as a psychiatrist-psychotherapist, I began to reflect on
what insights and practices I had learnt that are the most helpful and precious to pass on to
the next generation. This resulted in a lighter, accessible online adaptation of MBCL,
called Compassion for all ages, focussing on what many of us had wished to learn at school:
how to live healthier and happier lives, not by looking away, but by responding to the
suffering in the world, with mindful compassion. 

If we wish to pass on a story of hope and resilience, rather than one of despair and
catastrophe, we need a simple, common language to meet the many challenges we face. A
language that does not divide but brings together, that bridges different ages and cultures,
acknowledging our common humanity, our individual and collective suffering, and our
interconnectedness with all beings.”

This workshop aims to introduce some key themes from Compassion for all ages. A taste of
practice will be offered to support ‘old’ and ‘new’ roads towards compassion.

For whom? 
For anyone interested in ways to compassionately respond to life’s challenges and willing to
engage in practice. Previous experience with mindfulness/meditation is recommended.

Sunday 25th  August 2024:  6.30pm-9 pm UK
Check your time zone here

Your teacher
Erik van den Brink MD is co-founder and international tutor of the Mindfulness-Based
Compassionate Living programme. He worked as a psychiatrist-psychotherapist in areas of
community psychiatry, integrative psychiatry, and psycho-oncology. Being particularly
interested in methods that empower people’s self-healing capacity, he became a pioneer in
applying mindfulness- and compassion-based interventions to mental health. He co-authored
several publications and is a frequently asked guest teacher.

Websites https://www.mbcl.org; https://www.mbcl-international.net/

‒ Van den Brink, E. & Koster, F. (2015). Mindfulness-Based Compassionate Living: A new training
programme to deepen mindfulness with heartfulness. London: Routledge.
‒ Van den Brink, E. & Koster, F. (2018). A Practical Guide to Mindfulness-Based Compassionate
Living – Living with heart. London: Routledge.

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