The healthy side effects of kindness

with David R. Hamilton

Join Dr. David R. Hamilton for a talk on how experiences of kindness impact mental and physical health. You'll learn how kindness has a physical impact on the brain in ways that reduce stress and boost positive mood, as well as how kindness impacts the heart, immune system, and even some processes of aging in highly beneficial ways. David will also discuss how kindness is highly contagious and how some seemingly small acts can have significant consequences. If you need an extra source of motivation to ‘be the change you want to see in the world’, join us for this fascinating talk!

David R. Hamilton


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Dr. David R. Hamilton is a former R&D scientist and now author of 12 books, including ‘The Joy of Actually Giving a F*ck (July 2024)’ and ‘The Five Side Effects of Kindness’. He is a magazine columnist, regular podcast guest, and a regular speaker in both the public and corporate sector, having delivered talks for Google, 3M, NHS, Bank of England, and many others. He is also the honorary scientific advisor for the charity, 52-Lives, which helps people in need through public acts of kindness.

For more on David, visit: Website, Instagram & X

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