The role of compassion in the climate crisis

Nurturing mindsets for a sustainable future

with Christine Wamsler, Peter Senge, Gustav Böll, Lynne Reeder, Jeroen Janss, Jamie Bristow and Sister Jayanti

Join the Global Compassion Coalition for an enlightening online discussion on the role of compassion in the climate crisis. In this event, we will explore the pivotal role of compassion in addressing the global climate crisis. We'll delve into how fostering compassionate mindsets can be a catalyst for change, creating the conditions necessary to tackle climate change and pave the way for a sustainable future. Our esteemed panel of experts will provide insights into the power of compassion in environmental activism and climate action. We will also discuss the essential outcomes and achievements required at the upcoming COP (Conference of the Parties) to support and accelerate these compassionate efforts. This event is free to attend and open to all who are passionate about the intersection of compassion and climate change. Join us to be part of the solution and inspire meaningful change on the global stage. Together, we can make a difference!

Christine Wamsler

Peter Senge

Gustav Böll

Lynne Reeder

Jeroen Janss

Jamie Bristow

Sister Jayanti

This event was held on Wednesday, 22nd November 2023.

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The panel was organized by the GCC’s Climate & Sustainability Cluster and will discuss these three questions during the 60-minute event:

  • How do we create conditions for nurturing mindsets and capacities necessary to tackle climate change and create a sustainable future?
  • What is the role of compassion in this context?
  • What needs to be achieved at COP to support this?


Christine Wamsler is Professor of Sustainability Science at Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies (LUCSUS), Founder and Director of the Contemplative Sustainable Futures Program, and former Co-Director of the Societal Resilience Centre. She is an internationally-renowned expert in sustainable development and associated (material and cognitive) transformation processes, with 25 years of experience, both in theory and practice. Her work has shaped international debates and increased knowledge on personal, collective, institutional and policy transformations in a context of climate change.

Dr Lynne Reeder is a member of the Board of Directors of the Global Compassion Coalition and an Adjunct Research Fellow at Federation University Australia. She is also the National Lead of the Australian Compassion Council, the global coordinator of the Science and Research sector of the International Charter for Compassion, and a member of the Australian Women’s Climate Congress.

Peter Senge, PhD, is Senior Lecturer, Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Founding Chair of the Society for Organizational Learning (SoL), a global network of people and institutions working together for systemic change.  His work centers on promoting shared understanding of complex issues and shared leadership for creating healthier human systems.  This has involved major cross-sector collaborative projects focused on global food systems, climate change, circular (zero waste) business models and regenerative economies.  Today he focuses on advancing a “compassionate systems” approach to shaping the future of education with the new Center for Systems Awareness.

Gustav Böll is the Assistant Director of Youth Leadership at the Center for Systems Awareness. His role is to lead the Youth Team and their efforts of training students and teachers from around the world on the Compassionate Systems Framework. Gustav holds a BA in International Studies from Roskilde University.

Jamie Bristow is a leading expert on contemplative practice in public life and a former climate campaigner. He co-authored the ‘Reconnection: Meeting the Climate Crisis Inside Out’ report whilst Director of the Mindfulness Initiative policy institute, and now leads on policy and narrative development for the Inner Development Goals.

Sister Jayanti is the Additional Administrative Head of The Brahma Kumaris, the world’s largest spiritual organisation to be led by women. She is a spiritual teacher, much sought after international public speaker, author and a visionary leader guided by spiritual values and Principles. The Brahma Kumaris is an international non-governmental organisation (NGO) of the United Nations, accredited with General Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). Sister Jayanti has been the organisation’s representative to the UN in Geneva since 1982. She has championed the co-operative role of spiritual organisations in creating a just and peaceful world; and has brought spiritual principles to the discussion tables of many politicians, economists, business leaders, scientists and other stakeholders of our times.

Jeroen Janns is the co-founder and co-director of the Inner Green Deal, a non-profit initiative focused on inner development, reconnection to nature and collaboration to accelerate a green and just transformation. He designs and facilitates leadership programmes that link inner and outer dimensions of sustainability for large systemic organisations such as the EU and the UN as well as for community leaders. Jeroen regularly speaks on the human dimension of sustainability and the importance of cultivating transformative capacities such as awareness, compassion and systems thinking. He recently co-authored a White Paper on ‘The Human Dimension of the Green Deal: How to Overcome Polarisation and Facilitate Culture & System Change’.

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