Helping children through school

Although school enrolment in Uganda is improving, far too many children continue to face barriers to getting an education.

While 85% of children go to primary school, enrolment drops to 17% in secondary school.

The pressure to go out to work combined with the cost of school (and school equipment) fees mean the vast majority of young people do not go on to receive education beyond primary age.

This means efforts to keep children in school often depend on the compassion of the local community.

That is certainly the case for Okidi Moses, one of our Ugandan Connectors.

He has recently raised funds to ensure that two girls in his community could continue to attend school. The divorce of their parents had left them both living with their grandmother who could not afford to pay for their fees. As you can see from these photos though, Okidi’s efforts now mean they will both be enrolling in school and continuing their studies. Wonderful work Okidi.

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