South Sudan’s Connectors provide aid to flood survivors

On July 06, 2024 , the town of Aweil in Northern Bhar el Ghazal State of South Sudan experienced a severe flood caused by intense rain that fell over a three-day period. The flood caused significant damage, washing away homes, drowning livestock, and ruining crops.

In total an estimated 700 people were displaced by the flooding. Efforts to relocate those evicted from their homes by the floodwaters were severely undermined by the damage and destruction of local roads, many of which were completely washed away.

In response local emergency services worked quickly to evacuate residents and to provide temporary shelter. Sadly though there simply was not enough food aid or clean water to go round and so many families went days and days without eating.

The South Sudan Connectors mobilised, fundraised, and organised and were able to get vital food assistance to 15 families displaced by the floods. It meant that after several days without food, families were able to eat and feed their children.

Sadly South Sudan expects to receive many more downpours in the coming months – another test of an already damaged community.

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