The relationship between self-compassion and fear of aging in the elderly: the mediating role of spiritual health
Distress, Social Support, and Self-Compassion: Relationships With Mental Health Among College Students
FoMO, but not self-compassion, moderates the link between social media use and anxiety in adolescence
Comparison of Borderline Personality Disorder Patients’ Emotion Regulation, Mindfulness, and Self-compassion with Healthy Individuals
Compassion fatigue, burnout and compassion satisfaction among physicians in Makkah region, Saudi Arabia: A cross sectional study
Relationship between Psychological Distress and Perceived Stigma on Mental Well-Being in People with Epilepsy: Self-Compassion as a Moderator.
A Gender Study on Self-Comparison, Self-Compassion and Self-Improvement Motivation among Young Adults
Perceived compassionate care and associated factors among patients with mental illness at Tibebe Ghion specialized and Felege Hiwot comprehensive specialized hospital, Northwest Ethiopia
Discovering compassion in medical training: a qualitative study with curriculum leaders, educators, and learners
The Relationship Between Psychological Flexibility, Mindful Ability and Self-Compassion with the Severity of Depression in Patients with Mood Disorders
The Pathology of Borderline Personality Disorder Symptomatology in a Non-clinical Sample: The Role of Mental Pain, Cognitive Emotion Regulation, Self-Compassion, and Depression
The mediating role of self-compassion and repetitive negative thinking in the relationship between perfectionism and burnout in health-field students: A prospective study
Comprehensive Model of Perfectionistic Behaviour, Orthorexia, and Self-Compassion in Sport and Exercise
Prediction of quality of life based on disease perception, health hardiness and self-compassion in women with multiple sclerosis
Workplace bullying, psychological distress, and work engagement in the hospitality industry: The moderating effect of self- compassion
Psychological distress in infertile women: the role of quality of marital relationships and self-compassion
Emerging Adults’ Experience of Mindful Parenting: Distinct Associations With Their Dispositional and Interpersonal Mindfulness, Self-Compassion, and Adjustment
Facebook Addiction and High School Students’ Sleep Quality: The Serial Mediation of Procrastination and Life Satisfaction and the Moderation of Self-Compassion Tú Anh HàORCID Icon,Minh Anh Quang TranORCID Icon,Chun-Yu LinORCID Icon &Que Ly Nguyen
Investigating the role of self-compassion and shame in predicting posttraumatic growth and body image concern in breast cancer patients
Examining the protective role of self-compassion in the links between daily sexual orientation salient experiences and affect.
A cross-sectional analysis of compassion fatigue, burnout, and compassion satisfaction in maternal–fetal medicine physicians in the United States
Work Stress, Work-Related Rumination, and Depressive Symptoms in University Teachers: Buffering Effect of Self-Compassion