Building compassionate communities: A cornerstone of good mental health

As we mark Mental Health Awareness Week in the UK and Mental Health Awareness Month in the US, it’s an opportune moment to reflect on the significance of compassionate, inclusive communities in fostering mental well-being. The Global Compassion Coalition champions this cause, striving to broaden public awareness and practice of compassion while fostering communities and […]

Rebuilding trust and compassion in our communities

In recent years, public trust in the UK government and other institutions to prioritize the interests of local communities has eroded significantly. A recent Ipsos poll, conducted ahead of the local elections, revealed that only 25% of people over 18 in England have faith in ministers to act in the best interest of their local […]

Dyads training can deepen connections and overcome polarisation

Professor Tania Singer, psychologist, social neuroscientist, scientific head of the Max Planck Society’s Social Neuroscience Lab in Berlin, and board member of the Global Compassion Coalition has for many years been developing interventions based on mental practices done with a partner, known as “Dyads.” A growing body of research coming out of a large-scale project […]

The 10% challenge

If a critical mass adopt a new mindset, society will be transformed.

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