The Fallacy of the Three Fs

A few years ago, my son came home from school and told me he had learnt all about the fight and flight system. The school had bought in an ‘expert’ to prepare the children for their upcoming exams. (Across England, all children sit specialist exams – on the same day and at the same time […]

The power of green: how nature enhances well-being in urban environments

In the midst of bustling city life, it’s easy to forget the importance of nature. We rush from one concrete structure to another, barely noticing the trees lining the streets or the patches of greenery tucked away in urban corners. But a growing body of research suggests that these natural elements play a crucial role […]

Why we resist compassion

To be a compassionate leader, begin with yourself. Why?  Because the way you respond to yourself leaks out into the way that you treat others.  If you’re judging yourself harshly, you are likely judgemental of others. If your inner critic is in the driving seat, then you’re likely to be critical of others’ failings too. If you […]

Five steps to happier living

You don’t have to radically alter your life to find ways of being happier. Here are 5 practical things you can start doing today that can immediately help you feel happier and more content. Practice self-compassion Remember throughout your day that you have a right to be safe and peaceful. Offer yourself a kind response […]

The science of compassion

Compassion isn’t just something we feel or do it’s something that our body physiologically experiences. There is scientific evidence that compassion affects our immune system, our cardiovascular system, our brain, and our nervous system as a whole. When we think about this, it’s quite fantastical something that we are hardwired to do (be compassionate) creates […]

Mindfulness helps psychologists deal with uncertainty

Background The stress of professional clinical psychology training can be intense. Research has shown that those in training have greater negative psychological outcomes associated specifically with a low tolerance for uncertainty. The more aversive reactions to uncertainty increases the risk of professional burnout. Researchers are investigating how mindfulness and self-compassion can be leveraged to support […]

Compassion for personality disorders

Background Self-criticism, or the tendency to hold negative self views, is understood as a transdiagnostic factor for people living with personality disorders. It often predicts less effective psychotherapy outcomes and often represents a defining feature of depression for those with personality disorders. Although some psychotherapies recognize how self-criticism plays an important role, some treatments fail […]

Do you love the skin you’re in?

January is the traditional time for New Year resolutions, often focused on improving ourselves, especially our bodies. In the opening weeks of the year, we are bombarded with the latest fad diets, invitations to get back to the gym, to slim down after the festive indulgences, and basically judge the hell out of our imperfect […]

Mindfulness and self-compassion for dealing with trauma

Background A recent survey by the World Health Organization indicated that 70% of the population experience some level of trauma exposure. Past trauma exposure increases the likelihood of developing other mental health disorders, somatic disorders, and even post-traumatic stress disorder. Even more troubling, exposure to trauma increases the risk of future trauma. Given the high […]

Compassion training increases closeness to a disliked person

Background There is an increasing sense that communities are becoming more divided. Stoked by anti-social leaders, the silos created by social media, and rising economic anxiety, isolation, anger, and prejudice is on the rise. And yet, sadly, it is the opposite force that is needed if we’re to meet escalating global challenges. Climate change, war, […]

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