Declining social connections
Statistics reveal a sharp decline over the past few decades in close personal relationships and participation in community groups and events. Surveys show the average American today has fewer close confidants to rely on for support. In 1985, the modal response when asked the number of close friends an individual had was three. By 2004, the most common response had dropped to none. Likewise, membership rates in community organizations from youth sports leagues to volunteer fire departments to religious congregations have fallen steadily since the 1960s. By the 2000s, participation rates for nearly every type of civic group tracked had declined by 25-50% compared to decades past. Engagement in informal community social events and gatherings shows similar patterns of falling rates of participation.

Poor health
This increasing isolation of individuals from personal community ties and support networks leaves many vulnerable. Those experiencing crises such as illness, grief, or unemployment today have fewer close friends and community safety nets to aid their recovery. Rates of loneliness and chronic isolation have increased sharply with this social fragmentation. In the 1980s, just 10% of Americans indicated having no close confidants. By 2010, this figure had risen to 25%. Evidence links this loneliness epidemic to myriad individual mental and physical health risks from higher blood pressure to cognitive decline and depression. On a community level, the collective erosion of social capital and connections between residents similarly damages resilience. Communities with high levels of social fragmentation see lower rates of volunteerism during crises, poorer maintenance of public spaces, and overall lower levels of wellbeing and life satisfaction according to multiple studies. Trust between community members suffers as personal bonds weaken.

Polarization and division
Beyond declining social connections overall, America has witnessed deepening political and ideological divisions between groups in recent decades. The erosion of close community bonds and lack of meaningful interpersonal connections beyond one’s own identity bubble contributes greatly to intensifying affective polarization and ideological tribalism. Studies quantifying partisan polarization reveal party affiliation now outpaces religion, race, or any other identity characteristic as the biggest divider of Americans. This intense polarization manifests beyond mere disagreement into hostility, contempt, and assumption of bad intent across party lines. Surveys reveal over 80% of those identifying as strong Democrats or Republicans say they have nothing in common with and cannot respect those in the opposing party. With fewer local spaces for meaningful exchange of ideas and recognition of shared humanity across divides, partisan demonization and hostility thrive, unchallenged by proximate evidence to counter divisive stereotypes.

The economic and social marginalization of large segments of the population hinders building strong, compassionate communities. When certain groups are systematically denied economic security, political voice, or social capital, a sense of shared struggle and interdependence with fellow community members suffers. Discrimination and concentrated hardship in marginalized groups limits empathy from more privileged sections, preventing recognition of universal rights that undergird compassionate communities. Without deliberately fostering inclusive spaces for economic and political participation, communities fracture along lines of inequality. This bifurcation makes achieving the solidarity and collaboration essential for resilient, caring communities difficult. Tackling barriers to inclusion through policy and cultural shifts represents a key step in nurturing the compassionate connections between all members that communities should provide.